Ballroom B1
To make Key Club events work sometimes you have to pick up the phone and call someone to get donations, to arrange a location, or to set up the event. Calling strangers can be intimidating! Learn how to prepare and make important phone calls to reduce stress and increase success.
Sharon Everett, Kiwanian
Seniors! Check Out Circle K
Ballroom B2
What do you think about when you think of the world “College”? Whether it’s Parties, Big/Littles, internships, or serving your community, Circle K International offers it all! Come learn about Circle K International and continuing your Kiwanis journey into college!
Dylan Nelson, Circle K District Governor
Esai Sedano, Circle K District Secretary
Dylan Mua, Circle K District Treasurer
Ballroom B10
Are you a new Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor and don’t know what you signed up for? Besides agreeing to support your Key Club, this workshop will provide you with a brief overview of your responsibilities as an advisor. By the end of this workshop, you will have a full understanding of your role and how you can better support your Key Club.
Elsie Nash, Region 8 Advisor